Students may be dropped off in the classroom up to 15 minutes prior to the start of class. Please check your child in with an instructor before leaving. Parents must check in to pick up their child at the end of class. If you choose to leave the building while your child is in class, please return at least 10 minutes prior to the end of class so students can be dismissed on time.
Parents are welcome to wait in the common areas or AG’s retail space during class. Due to space restrictions, we ask that you refrain from staying in the classroom during instruction. If your child requires your assistance, please see an instructor so we can make accommodations. We welcome you to walk through the building to view the art on display or visit with our resident artists before or after class, but please be sure to accompany your child at all times. There are many styles and types of artwork throughout the building and we leave it to your discretion to determine what your children view.
Art can be messy! Please be sure to dress your child appropriately for working with paint, glue, markers and other materials that could damage clothing. Smocks and aprons are available, but better safe than sorry!
We ask that all students treat each other and their instructors respectfully. Harassment, dangerous or disruptive behavior within the classroom will not be tolerated. Every child deserves a safe and pleasant environment in which to create. Any behavior concerns will be addressed with parents as they arise. Repeated disturbances may result in dismissal from the program.
From time to time, it may be necessary to cancel a class due to weather or other reasons beyond our control. In the event this occurs, we will update our Facebook event page and website. In case of inclement weather, check these areas or call us directly